7 Signs You’re Wearing the Wrong Sports Bra

I’ll put my hand up : I’m all-too guilty of buying the prettiest bra, rather than the best suited. I’m a sucker for florals.

However, it’s arguably the most important pieces of kit you’ll own, and can make-or-break a good workout. So many of us are wearing poorly fitted sports bras: uncomfortable at best, and genuinely dangerous for your health at worst.

Permanent soft tissue damage can result from improper support when you’re working out, so make sure you’re strapped in sufficiently.


Running Bare's KINKY No Bounce Crop Top

Running Bare’s KINKY No Bounce Crop Top


Check whether you have the best support next time you workout with these 7 signs.


1. You have a case of the ‘back sausage’
Unsightly bulges from under your bra indicate that the supportive band is too tight.

2. The double-boob
So you’ve squeezed them in,  but now it looks like you have four boobs. You clearly have a bangin’ rack, but lets keep it under wraps.

3. Chest pain after a workout
Pain during or after a workout can be related to the impact on your soft tissue.

4. Back and shoulder ache
It’s bad enough you sit at a desk all day, but now you’re suffering from back aches from body pump. Rubbish.

5. You are always aware of it
You should feel comfortable in your bra – if you’re constantly aware of it, its time for a change.

6. Skin imprints
No clothing should leave its mark on you, even if it is 100% lycra.

7. Movement while running
While a little bit of giggle is to be expected, some women can experience up to 20cm of movement when they run. This is the worst culprit of soft-tissue damage, so watch out for that bounce.


Any good sports bra retailer will talk you through their selection and discuss what size and style is right for you – just be sure to ask in-store.

If you can’t make it to a physical appointment, try the Nike Pro 360 Fit System. A quick test will tell you what size you should be wearing.

VOTE for THE FIT FOODIE in the 2014 Pedestrian.TV Blogster Awards

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For the last four years Pedestrian.TV have been hosting the Australian Blogster Awards which cover a range of subject matter including music, food, fashion, photography and more. This year The-Fit-Foodie.com has been honoured to be included in the food finalists.

I’ve been slowly building and refining TFF over the last year, trying to find a balance between accessible, nutritious food, and recipes that can support your active lifestyle with plenty of protein, good fats and low GI carbs.  Hopefully you think I’m doing a good job of it too and you can hit the link to cast a vote (in the form of a Facebook Like) in my favour.

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Thanks in advance for all your support.


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Product Review: Omniblend Blender

If you’re anything like me, you blend, a lot. 


My blender is my healthy-kitchen staple, and not a day goes by when I’m not whizzing up something nutritious. But let me {rewind} a few years to my unhealthier days. I was limited on the kitchen equipment front, so much so that I survived without an oven for 8 months.

{Fastforward} I had a little epiphany when moving to Australia, and really began to take notice of my nutrient intake. Rather than buying pasta sauces, soups and smoothies, I began to make everything from scratch, but recipes were hampered by a lack of blending equipment. I mean, making almond butter in a pestle and mortar just isn’t quite going to cut it. Blender Choice

I spent hours researching the blenders online, and found some very useful reviews. While I would have loved to spend in excess of $1,000 on the most highly acclaimed brand, I couldn’t justify it. Unsurprisingly, many other people had found themselves in the same predicament, and suggested suitable alternatives.Omniblend Review

I settled on the Omniblend. With 5 years warranty and not an unhappy customer in sight, I was sold. This is the mean-machine that produces all my recipes, from raw cheesecakes to creamy protein shakes.

Now you may be thinking “argh, another blog endorsement”, but I’ll put the record straight : It was through my own personal choice and research that I bought my very own Omniblend (or rather, I hinted to Mr Fit Foodie).

I’ve been giving this baby a very good workout for the last 18 months, and have never been left disappointed. So if you are looking for a powerful blender, take a look at reviews online and consider this one. You can even use the code “THEFITFOODIE” on the Omniblend website for a $10 discount.

Omniblend Discount Code


Also, sign up to the blog for your chance to WIN A FREE Omniblend! Competition details will be released next month.

Keep it smooth Fitties,

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Antioxidant Smoothie

Antioxidant SmoothieAside from this being insanely pretty, strawberries and acai make for a refreshing and detoxifying smoothie. Full of antioxidants to clear you skin, this one is great a great way to start your day if you’re feeling a bit run-down.
Serves 2

2 cups unsweetened coconut water
1 cup plain greek yoghurt
1 tbsp acai powder
6 strawberries

To garnish (optional)
Unsweetened coconut flakes
Dried lavender
Goji berries
Red fruit tea mix

Add ingredients to a blender and process until smooth.
Serve between two chilled glasses and garnish as desired.

For an extra boost, add 1 scoop of vanilla protein to make this a great post-workout snack.

Antioxidant Smoothie

The Fit Foodie Makeover

The Fit Foodie is growing up.

I originally began recording recipes online just over 12 months ago as a repository for my ‘healthified’ creations. My scribbles of paper were beginning to outgrow our humble office space, and I could never make anything twice because I couldn’t find the instructions I’d written.

The popularity of my recipes quickly grew beyond my wildest dreams, and with the help of a very patient and supportive Mr Fit Foodie, I have now dived head-first into full time blogging.


I now have time to dedicate my attention on growing this resource for you, my followers, and expanding blog content to include workouts, inspirational interviews, health tips, competitions and more.

In the coming months you will notice a new-look website, eBooks, events and even some of my own health food products popping up, along with the usual flow of delicious recipes. Please get in touch if you have any questions or topics you would like me to cover.

I look forward to sharing with you a wider range of content, in the hope that I will go some way in helping you achieve your goals (or at the very least, provide a little light entertainment along the way).

Words cannot express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your support in helping me achieve my dreams from such very humble beginnings.

Love. Move. Eat.

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The Meaning of Yoga

I’ll admit it: I used to think yoga consisted of chanting, ill-fitting tie-dye and was reserved only for people with a name like Willow. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been to a few of those classes.

Rather than enjoying the moment (as I was so politely instructed), my head has been full of thoughts of ‘what is that disgusting rose incense filling my nostrils’, and ‘must remember to pay the gas bill’ – probably not the desired effect, offering nothing more than a chance to run through my to-do list in a quiet room.


However, the face of yoga has evolved rapidly over the last few years, catering to anyone who is simply looking for a bit of ‘me-time’. This is awesome news for city-dwellers and country bumpkins alike – a place to stretch, flow and relax, wherever the mood takes you.

yoga pose

I realised today when leaving my weekly class that yoga means different things to different people. That in itself, is what makes it so awesome.

For me, yoga is a weekly appointment I set with myself to clear my mind, stretch and meet like-minded people. It’s not about ‘finding’ myself, or even working out.

Yoga quote

Hip-hop yoga (so cool!), acro yoga, or just plain old yin – it’s all out there ready for you to experiment. Yoga can be whatever you want it to be. Just because you don’t know the meaning of the ‘eagle’ pose, doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from it. Find out what yoga means to you, and enjoy it for that.


Whatever you opt for, virtually any type of yoga will help you improve your:

  • strength
  • flexibility
  • balance
  • stress levels
  • tight muscles and joints

You might need to try a few classes to find the right one for your needs, and that’s cool. There are so many ways to get your ‘om’ on!

I can highly recommend the Lulu Lemon Community Yoga for FREE classes in a store near you. Their ‘gift of yoga’ is a fantastic way to test-drive the ever-rotating mix of styles and teachers who run classes in your area, without costing you a penny.

Lulu Lemon Store


So what are you waiting for? You don’t have to be good, flexible, or know what you’re doing. It’s called yoga practise for a reason.


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SYDNEY: The ultimate heath, wellness and beauty show

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Women of Sydney, you’re in for an awesome treat this Spring.

Get your blood pumping, detox your mind and body, learn about health issues, holistic therapy and massage, explore how to nourish your body and soul with new information and experiences, pick up essential beauty tips and take the first steps towards achieving your health and fitness goals – all under one roof! Continue reading